Welcome to the SQUAD!

A little about SQUAD

SQUAD is a guidebook and video series for youth to learn about Jesus and reflect who Jesus is.

The goal of SQUAD is to disciple the generations in the 4 truths of Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ is the Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon and Coming King.


A Youth Guidebook to Understanding Jesus

Co-authored by Ashton Fish, Cheyne Jackson, Tim Mossholder, Kaelyn Mossholder, Fernando Morales & Jennifer Thigpenn

SQUAD Video Series

The SQUAD book authors give 5-minute engaging summaries of who Jesus is to them as the Savior,
the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, the Healer, and the Soon and Coming King.

Part 1 - Savior

Part 2 - Baptizer with the Holy Spirit

Part 3 - Healer

Part 4 - Soon and Coming King

Check out the SQUAD youtube channel

Thanks for being a part of the SQUAD!!